All students have the opportunity to borrow from the school library. They are also welcome to return and borrow books during lunchtime. Books must be returned each fortnight with the option to re- borrow if necessary.
Students from Kindergarten to Year 2 may borrow two books at a time. Those in Years 3 – 6 may borrow four books.
Peer support groups
Each year students are provided with the opportunity to meet in groups made up of students K – 6 to participate in a range of interesting and fun activities related to the primary curriculum. This program operates one afternoon per fortnight for at least two terms. The program aims to:
- assist in building a nurturing tone throughout the school by establishing supportive across-class/across-grade STUDENT NETWORKS;
- create the opportunity for all teachers to GET TO KNOW every child in the school;
- provide opportunities for students to engage in PEER TUTORING;
- enhance the LEADERSHIP SKILLS of senior students;
- encourage the development of POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS and a sense of BELONGING; and
- provide a variety of activities which are FUN and ENGAGING and which support the teaching of the Sandon ‘SHINE' values.
Scripture is available for all children. The Scripture groups provided at the school at the moment are:
- Catholic
- Protestant
Non-Scripture is provided for those students whose parents do not wish for them to participate in religious education. Scripture is held on a weekly basis and parents will be notified of the time and day.